Here’s why JUNE KRISE supports Medicaid expansion for North Georgia:
Medicaid expansion would provide crucial funds for struggling hospitals. With 9 rural hospitals closing since 2010, including 2 which closed during the pandemic, Georgia ranks 6th in states with most rural hospital closures. 19 rural hospitals are currently at risk of closing.
Expanding Medicaid would provide over 500,000 Georgians with access to affordable health care and help the state save on uncompensated care costs, which in 2019 alone cost Georgia hospitals $2.7 billion — including $915 million just last year reported by Wellstar.
Medicaid expansion would be the single largest economic development initiative in Georgia’s history, creating over 64,000 jobs, including 28,800 in health care, 4,900 in construction, 6,500 in retail, 2,000 in finance and insurance, and 21,900 in additional sectors.
Georgia is one of only 12 states that has refused to expand Medicaid. More than 1.5 million Georgians lack health insurance coverage and our uninsured rate is the 2nd highest in the nation at 14.5%.
The refusal to expand Medicaid has led to Georgia missing out on $21 billion in federal health care funds. Our tax dollars are going to other states to cover other Americans whose governors aren’t putting politics over people’s lives.
Medicaid expansion would not make anyone ineligible for private insurance. Expansion reduces health care costs across the board, including for those with private insurance who are unlikely to ever need Medicaid coverage.
This November, vote for Democrats who will protect your right to healthcare against extreme Republican interests.

June Krise
Georgia House District 8
I was endorsed by the Georgia Win List to fight to protect your rights. I will protect Georgians against radicals on both sides who are preventing Republicans and Democrats from getting along.
As a registered nurse, I will protect the Affordable Care Act, expand Medicaid in Georgia, lower the cost of prescription drugs, and ensure equal access to healthcare for all Georgians.
After a career as a registered nurse, health care advocate, and active supporter of human rights causes, I want to give back to my colleagues, friends, and neighbors. I seek to improve access to healthcare, and education, protect the environment, and promote the arts. My priorities also include expanding tourism, guaranteeing equal rights, and common sense criminal justice reform.
My background and accomplishments qualify me to accomplish these legislative goals. I have served as President of the 9th District Democratic Women, and I am currently the Chair of the 9th Congressional District. My experiences in healthcare, as a small business owner, and as a consultant to many people in community care have allowed me to learn the skills of executive management. Those skills include clear communication, information transfer, team-building, cooperation, and negotiation that underlie the processes of developing and passing legislation.
I ask that you vote for me and support my campaign for Georgia State Representative. If you are able to contribute to my campaign, visit the donate page or click the donate button. If you are willing to work on the campaign or want to contact me. I look forward to serving as your Representative.
We are working with June Krise to protect your rights.
Preserve democracy, women’s health, Medicare, Social Security, and your right to privacy. Get out and vote for Democrats in North Georgia.
Vision, Issues, & Values
I seek to improve access to HEALTHCARE — especially for the blind, the disabled, the elderly, and mothers and babies. Georgia ranks 44th out of 50 in infant mortality in the US. We should expand the waivers that assist the elderly find housing and personal care, help fight addiction, and support rural hospitals.
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We hope you will buy tickets and plan to join us for the 6th Annual Blue BBQ. We also have sponsorship opportunities for those who would love to help us achieve the next level of promoting Democrats in our County and Region!Saturday, June 15,...