THE FAB FOUR are running to protect our inalienable rights, including the rights of women, the elderly, and families.

Meet the Fab Four

June Krise

Georgia Senate District 50

After a career as a registered nurse, health care advocate, and active supporter of human rights causes, I am moved to give back to my colleagues, friends, and neighbors in return for all that I learned from them. I am anxious to get to work on improving healthcare, education, protecting the environment, and the arts. My priorities also include expanding tourism, guaranteeing equal rights — including women’s reproductive rights, and common sense criminal justice reform.

My background and accomplishments qualify me to accomplish these legislative goals.  I have served as President of the 9th District Democratic Women and I am currently the Chair of the 9th Congressional District for the Democratic Party of Georgia and President of the Georgia Federation of Democratic Women.  My experiences in healthcare, as a small business owner, and as a consultant to many people in community care have allowed me to learn the skills of executive management. Those skills include clear communication, information transfer, team-building, cooperation, and negotiation that underlie the processes of developing and passing legislation.


Kim Floria

Kim Floria | Georgia House District 30

I am a mom, a sign language interpreter, a disability advocate, and a small business owner. I’d be honored to use my tireless energy to help this community be an even better place for all our children and grandchildren to grow up. I am running to represent you because I believe this community deserves someone who strongly believes in:

Helping Others Succeed: I am a firm believer in the principle that if one of us succeeds, all of us succeed. My mother, a social worker, and my grandmother, a Catholic school teacher, taught me to meet each person where they are and to not only value them for who they are but to help them reach their full potential.

The Importance of Community: One of the things that I love most about living here is the strong sense of community. Our community is better when we all work together to strengthen each other.

Justice and Equality: I learned the value of justice and equality from my father, who practiced law and often provided pro-bono services to clients who didn’t have the means to pay. In our democratic quest to become “a more perfect union,” we must treat each other with respect and dignity. We should celebrate our differences while acknowledging what we have in common.

Visit: Kim Floria for Georgia

Paulette Williams

Georgia House District 10 – Northeast Georgia

I am a long-time Rabun County resident who advocates for all my Northeast Georgia neighbors. As a US Army Veteran, I can see that our Democracy is at stake.

Small rural areas like Northeast Georiga can make a difference in the State Senate. State legislatures all over the country are restricting the right to vote, a woman’s right to privacy, and the right to the healthcare we paid for with our tax dollars. We need strong leadership to keep our schools open, Main Street thriving, hospitals from shutting down, and opportunities alive with full broadband.

The Governor and Legislature are letting rural hospitals close throughout the state because they refuse to accept the $3.5 billion dollars annually. Vote Paulette to make sure you get the healthcare coverage and hospitals your tax dollars already paid for.

Georgia is #1 for business, yet we were ranked 49th in healthcare and 30th in education.. These numbers can’t improve in rural areas without modern broadband. Last year, Democrats passed a bill that sets aside $65 billion for Broadband Equity. Vote Paulette to make sure you get your share.

I will listen to other points of view, break through the partisanship, and work across the aisle to pass legislation to address our biggest challenges.

Please contribute to help us share this message of opportunity with our friends and neighbors.

Thank you, Paulette


Charlotte Sleczkowski

State House District 8

Hi! I’m Charlotte Sleczkowski, and I’m running for the office of Georgia House District 8, where I have lived for nearly two decades.

I am a lifelong advocate for the education of all families, including those with special needs and need support for mental health.

I am also fighting for a woman’s right to make personal choices regarding her health and to restore this autonomy as it has been for the last half-century.

I have been working actively with organizations that seek to preserve our freedoms and groups that advance the importance of education as a means to better lives.

Let’s improve our broken rural healthcare system instead of banning a 50-year right to reproductive health.
Pregnancy is a nuanced and complex medical situation. Having a child can carry a number of risks to the mother, and our Legislature’s ban is making Georgia an unsafe place to start a family.

When women are forced to carry non-viable pregnancies to term, the risk of serious medical complications skyrockets.

When victims of unspeakable crimes are not allowed to regain control of their bodies, they can face life-long and devastating psychological consequences.

We need to focus on improving healthcare outcomes. Too many of our friends and neighbors lack health insurance, jeopardizing their well-being and raising healthcare costs.

I will fight to bring millions of dollars into Georgia’s economy by accepting Federal Medicaid funds to save our rural hospitals and give working families more healthcare options.


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Why? Republicans want to send 11 million immigrants into deportation camps at a cost to you, the taxpayer, of at least $315 million.

That’s the direct cost. The bigger hit will be to the U.S. economy. Our economic growth is the “envy of the world.” Recent headlines:

– “The U.S. Economy Reaches Superstar Status.”
– “America’s economic performance is a marvel to behold.”
– “Falling inflation, rising growth give the U.S. the world’s best recovery.”

Republicans want to piss that growth away. They know immigrants account for 17% of U.S. GDP and contribute 1.3 trillion dollars in spending power.

Add Trump’s 60 percent tax hike on imports (pretty much everything you buy at Walmart) and your family will pay $2500 per year in a national sales tax.

Trump went bankrupt four times and recently suffered a $355 million verdict for business fraud. He also added $7.8 trillion to the national debt and recorded the “worst jobs record in modern U.S. history (Washington Post 1-8-21).

Bottom line: Get ready for a historic recession.

Say goodbye to your roofer, landscaper, hospital worker, and your kid’s soccer friend. They are all heading to Republican Internment Camps — maybe in three months if you vote for the guy.

End the hate. End the economic insanity. Preserve Religious Moral Values. Vote NOW for Democrats and the Fab Four.

VIDEO: SALLY FIELD SHARES HER HARROWING STORY of getting an illegal abortion in Tijuana at age seventeen.

Why is her story relevant today?

Republicans plan to use the Comstock Act, an obscure 1873 postal law, to implement a nationwide abortion ban.

Anthony Comstock (1844-1915) was an anti-smut, anti-contraception crusader who destroyed 15 tons of books, 4 million pictures, got 4000 people arrested, and drove people to suicide.

If you have a daughter or young mother in your family, please watch this video for a glimpse of the Republican vision for American women.

Vote for Democrats to protect women’s health. In North Georgia, vote for the Fab Four.




Two years ago, 28-year-old Amber Thurman, a single mother to a six-year-old boy, died at a Georgia hospital.

Why? The Republican’s House Bill 481 put doctors in a horrible bind: Timely care might send them to prison. Wait too long and Amber might die.

Doctors waited 20 hours and Amber died in the hospital.

Watch highlights from this broadcast with Oprah Winfrey to learn how Georgia legislators are threatening the lives of women and mothers.

Protect the health of women of Georgia. Elect the Fab Four.

Visit to learn more.
Early voting begins October 15.


“I stand here as an American that cares more about the future of this country than the future of Donald Trump.”
~ Georgia Lt. Governor, Geoff Duncan (R)

“I love my country more than my party.
~ Stephanie Grisham, Trump White House Press Secretary

“I can’t support a candidate who tries to use the powers of the Presidency to overturn that election.”
~ Sen. Jeff Flake (R)

“If you wouldn’t let him watch your children, he shouldn’t be your choice for President.”
~ Rep. Liz Cheney (R)

“We don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator.”
~ Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff

“He’s America’s Hitler.” (2016)
J.D. Vance, GOP Vice President Candidate


VIDEO: “Get Ready for the Big Sucker Punch”

We have read the fine print…

(Yikes! It’s 920 pages. Actually, we studied analysis by the New York Times and the nonpartisan Center for American Progress.)

The GOP’s 2025 Project is designed to take money from the middle class to extend tax breaks to billionaires. Are you surprised?

Example: If you make $75,000, your taxes will GO UP 300 percent. If you make $440,000, your taxes will GO DOWN $14,417. Yes, a sucker punch.

Take three minutes to watch the TOP TEN WAYS the people of North Georgia will get sucker-punched in 2025 by the GOP.

REMEMBER: If you’re not a billionaire, the Fab Four have your back.

Visit to learn more.


VIDEO: “What Can Mothers Do?”

~ Gabby Giffords.

When it comes to protecting our children from school shootings, Georgia has some of the weakest laws in the nation.

From guns on campus, to concealed weapons, and failure to secure guns in the home, Georgia’s politicians refuse to protect our children

The Fab Four have produced this short video to show how our elected officials promote gun violence to get elected and how mothers are fighting back.

“Make no mistake,” Georgia’s Rep. Lucy McBath declares from the stage, “Our losses do not weaken us. They strengthen our resolve!”

Please watch the video and share it with other moms who are concerned about school shootings.

Then vote to protect the safety and health of our children and the community. In November, vote for Democrats, vote for the Fab Four.

Visit to learn more.



“For women still on the fence, in the middle, or INDEPENDENT as I am…
Or still don’t know what you’ll do…
This is the moment for ALL DECENT PEOPLE who want the best for themselves and others.
This is the moment for people who are TIRED OF ALL THE NAME CALLING…
Please watch this 2-minute video.
Then heed Maya Angelou:
“When you know better, you’ve got to do better.”
Vote for Democrats,
Vote for the Fab Four
Visit to learn more.

VIDEO: “Get Ready for the Walmart Tax”

70-80 percent of the goods we buy at Walmart, Dollar General, and other stores come from CHINA.
Why are Republicans supporting a SIXTY-PERCENT TAX on those goods through tariffs?
“It’s political suicide,” June Krise, Georgia Senate 50 candidate, explains in this video. “Trump’s billionaire tax cuts expire next year. He needs a way to pay for those tax cuts for his buddies.”
“Economists call this a REGRESSIVE TAX,” Kim Floria, candidate for GA House 30, explained. “Regressive taxes — like the sales tax — hit the working class the hardest.”
“None of the Republicans running in our district, including Bo Hatchett (R), Derrick McCollum (R), Victor Anderson (R), or my opponent, Stan Gunter (R) have renounced this giant tax,” Charlotte Sleczkowski, candidate GA House 8 said. “This is our last chance to protect our wallets, or get socked with up to a $3900 price increase next year at the checkout.”
Vote to support wage earners, families, veterans, and the elderly.
Vote for the FAB FOUR.



That’s the message of Vice President Kamala Harris, and the Fab Four.

When Representative Ocasio-Cortez was nine, seeing Captain Kathryn Janeway command the Star Trek Voyager affirmed the feeling: “Yes, women can lead.”

The Fab Four are standing up for women to lead again:

“Like Rosie the Riveter in World War II, women are rolling up our sleeves and fighting to save our democracy, our freedoms, and our reproductive rights,” candidate June Krise proclaimed at the Clayton Blue BBQ.

“I decided what is mine to do is to be loud, proud, passionate, and supportive of equal rights for everybody,” Kim Floria told the crowd. “We’re fighting for our grandchildren. I refuse to accept that if something happened to my granddaughter, she would be denied reproductive medical care.”

Watch the video to how our daughters and granddaughters can become leaders. Or visit


– Tim brought FREE LUNCHES to every student in Minnesota.
– He made menstrual products available to female students across the state.
– He served 24 years in the military.
– As a beloved high school teacher and coach, he took his football team to the state championship.
– As an avid outdoorsman, Tim Walz believes in keeping firearms safe.
– Did I mention, he met with the Dalai Lama?
In the words of Tim Walz, “Don’t underestimate teachers.”
“As fellow educators and nurses, the Fab Four are thrilled to have someone who has our future and our children at heart.” ~ Charlotte Sleczkowski, a retired teacher running with the Fab Four, for the Georgia legislature.
Help us get out the word. Visit


The Republican Project 2025 has plans for you:
– ELIMINATE access to medication abortion through the mail.
– REVISIT cases already been decided related to contraception and same-sex marriage (Justice Thomas).
– REQUIRE a job to get Medicaid.
– WITHDRAW Medicaid funds from states that require abortion insurance.
– ELIMINATE support for travel to get abortion health care.
– PROHIBIT Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds.
– ALLOW states to defund Planned Parenthood clinics.
– PROHIBIT stem cell research (even though it holds promise for understanding and curing diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury, and pandemic vaccines).
– ALLOW doctors to deny reproductive medical care due to “rights of conscience.”
– REQUIRE treatment of “fetuses born alive” after abortion.
– MAKE “liberal states” report “statistical data about abortion, abortion survivors, and abortion-related maternal deaths” to the CDC.
– REVERSE the requirement that women suffering miscarriages receive emergency medical treatment.
– DECLARE that abortion is not healthcare.
Plus one we reported earlier:
– TRACK your choices at a Federal anti-abortion Web site:
It’s time to put women in charge.


Using the military, police, detention camps, and a host of agencies, the Republicans plan to round up millions of immigrants on “DAY ONE” — six months away.
Last time, they separated 2,654 children from their parents.
This year, Republicans blocked bipartisan immigration legislation to scare you on election day with a false talking point.
Truth is, immigrants commit less crime than average Americans (look it up), and they pay $11.74 billion in taxes to state and local government.
Crucial to your family, foreign workers grow and process our food — 84 percent of California crop workers were born in Mexico, and in Georgia, 25 percent are immigrants.
Looking to replace a roof, frame a house, or pave the road? 26 percent of Georgia construction workers are immigrants.
This is what happens when Georgia Republicans will do or say anything to keep their job — even support someone with 34 felony convictions, a $355 million civil fraud verdict, adjudicated rape, and two pending cases for espionage and an attempted coup.
WANT SOME REAL INFLATION? Explain your vote to your children when you can’t put groceries on the table.
Vote for decency.
Vote for the Fab Four.


After 246 years of waiting, it’s time to put a woman in charge. With your help, we can deliver for North Georgia residents:
– Expand Medicaid
– Save our rural hospitals
– Restore women’s rights
– Support IVF for families
– Protect voting
– Support the rule of law
– Lower drug prices
– Support ethics in government
Elections are about protecting our freedoms and quality of life. The Fab Four have your back.
Vote for: June Krise, Kim Floria, Paulette Williams, and Charlotte Sleczkowski.
Visit to help us inform your friends and neighbors.


…for children, families, and the elderly when women make the decisions.
That’s why the FAB FOUR celebrated the historic win of Claudia Sheinbaum after a landslide victory to become Mexico’s first female president.
“For the first time in 200 years… I will become the first woman president of Mexico,” Sheinbaum said. “We imagine a plural, diverse, and democratic Mexico. Our duty is and will always be to look after each and every Mexican, without distinction.”
“The Fab Four share the excitement,” said June Krise running for Georgia Senate. “We want a state government that looks after the health and welfare of every citizen, starting with our families.”
Visit to elect women who will serve you — and not the powerful, monied interests running our state.


Kaye Peterson, a 66-year-old retired librarian, used to spend around $300 a month on insulin to keep her blood sugar at a safe level.
Peterson told the New York Times (May 4, 2024) that President Biden’s policy capping insulin at $35 per month was a “godsend.”
The insulin cost reduction was intended to cover all Americans, not just Medicare recipients, but Republicans blocked lowering the cost for people under 65.
“As Democrats, we want to bring these kinds of savings to North Georgia,” said June Krise, a nurse and candidate for Georgia Senate District 50. “But for ten years, Republican Brian Kemp and his cronies have been blocking Federal healthcare dollars from coming to Georgia.”
Vote for the Fab Four to protect your health. Donate and learn more at
(Note: On 5-8-24, Donald Trump tried to take credit for lowering the cost of insulin, confusing voters with a limited rule change (2020) that WAS NEVER IMPLEMENTED.)


– Justice Thomas accepted $4.2 MILLION in gifts from billionaire friends.

– Thomas also said the right for married couples to buy and use CONTRACEPTION without government restriction was “demonstrably erroneous.”
– Justice Alito cited MEDIEVAL LAW (!!) in striking down a woman’s right to reproductive healthcare.
– Alito flew the “Stop the Steal” FLAG over his house while deciding on a 2020 election case.
– On June 26, the Court LEGALIZED BRIBERY for state and local officials if the cash is given as a “gratuity.”
– On June 28, the Court hobbled the government’s ability to REGULATE MEDICINE and PROTECT PUBLIC HEALTH.
– On July 1, the Court ruled that President Trump can “become a KING ABOVE THE LAW” if re-elected.*
Vote for the Fab Four to restore women’s rights and decency in government.
Visit to learn more and support the Fab Four.

VISIONS OF ABSOLUTE POWER. Are you ready for a King?

TIME MAGAZINE: 4/24/24: “To carry out a deportation operation designed to remove more than 11 million people from the country, Trump told me, he would be willing to build migrant detention camps and deploy the U.S. military, both at the border and inland.

He would let red states monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans. He would, at his personal discretion, withhold funds appropriated by Congress, according to top advisers.

He would be willing to fire a U.S. Attorney who doesn’t carry out his order to prosecute someone, breaking with a tradition of independent law enforcement that dates from America’s founding.

He is weighing pardons for every one of his supporters accused of attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, more than 800 of whom have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury.

He might not come to the aid of an attacked ally in Europe or Asia if he felt that country wasn’t paying enough for its own defense. He would gut the U.S. civil service, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, close the White House pandemic-preparedness office, and staff his Administration with acolytes who back his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen.


Here’s why: In a recent four-month period, my opponent, Bo Hatchett collected more than:

  • $10,000 from healthcare businesses and PACs
  • $30,000 from lawyers, law firms, and legal PACs.
  • $50,000 from PACs for gambling companies, contractors who build government buildings, and right-wing PACs.

Let’s work together to bury Bo Hatchett and put a woman in charge!
Visit to learn about the Fab Four – the four courageous women working to protect the rights of women, children, and families in North Georgia.

June Krise, RN for Georgia State Senate, District 50


By now, you’ve heard Supreme Court Justice Alito’s official excuse: “MY WIFE DID IT.”
Yeah right.

Blaming your wife for flying the insurrection flag over your home only compounds the crime: Nullifying 50 years of settled law to force women to pay the price with their bodies. Including:

  • DENYING life-saving medical care for hypertension, ectopic pregnancies, hemorrhaging, and other complications.
  • REQUIRING women to leave the state for reproductive care (if they can afford it).
  • FORCING a woman to carry a fetus to term (even 13-year-old rape victims).
  • PUTTING the government in charge of family planning decisions

Alito authored the Dobbs decision, but the GEORGIA LEGISLATURE wrote the bill.

THE FAB FOUR is running for office in Northeast Georgia to proudly fly the flag of America’s inalienable rights. We will protect the rights of women, the elderly, and families.

Visit to meet The Fab Four: June Krise, Kim Floria, Paulette Williams, and Charlotte Sleczkowski.


A group of Republican Senators want to create a government-run website to direct pregnant women to so-called “crisis pregnancy centers.”
Using consented contact information, a potential Trump administration would follow up about the status of a woman’s pregnancy.
“Americans don’t want the government to track or coerce pregnant women into carrying their pregnancies to term,” June Krise of the Fab Four announced. “This is a private decision.”
BOTTOM LINE: Republicans want the government to force a woman to stay pregnant no matter what.
BIG GOVERNMENT IS COMING: Time Magazine asked Donald Trump: “Do you think states should monitor women’s pregnancies so [the states] can know if they’ve gotten an abortion after the ban?”
Trump responded, “I think they might do that.”
Visit to protect women’s rights in Georgia.
The Fab Four include June Krise, Kim Floria, Paulette Williams, and Charlotte Sleczkowski.


In a 1965 landmark case, the Court ruled that the government could not restrict a married couple’s right to contraception (Griswold).
In 2022, the Conservative Court began to attack it, with Justice Clarence Thomas calling it “demonstrably erroneous.” (Dobbs)
GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn (TN) concurred, stating that a married couple’s right to privacy in the case was “Constitutionally unsound.”
In a GOP debate (MI), each candidate for Attorney General agreed. That same year, the GOP instructed their candidates to “Lean into the culture war.”
BOTTOM LINE: “Republicans want the government to force a woman to get pregnant and stay pregnant no matter what,” June Krise of the Fab Four announced. “The Supreme Court ruled that Americans have a fundamental right to privacy, and now they are hellbent on taking it away.”
THE FAB FOUR are running for office in Northeast Georgia to protect the rights of women, the elderly, and families.
Visit to meet The Fab Four:
June Krise, Kim Floria, Paulette Williams, and Charlotte Sleczkowski.

Fab Four News

Georgia’s FAB FOUR Move the Needle in a Solid Red Georgia District During the DNC

Campaigning as the Fab Four, a retired nurse, educator, interpreter, and a veteran have joined forces to energize Georgia’s pivotal role in national politics.

ATLANTA, GEORGIA, UNITED STATES, August 20, 2024 / — The FAB FOUR are taking their fight to one of the most Republican districts in the nation. Trump’s nearly 60-point win over Hillary Clinton in Georgia’s 9th district underscores the difficulty Democrats face in solidly red districts. What’s different this time is the Fab Four strategy.

Read the Article>>

VIDEO: Let’s talk about old people

The 2024 election is in full swing. And, yes, age is an issue. Hear from Mick Jagger, Dick Van Dyke, 100-year-old Ida Keeling, plus President Biden and the Fab Four:
Four courageous women running to support their friends and neighbors in Georgia’s 9th District. Visit


RADIO: June Krise launches her first radio spot.

June’s spot closes with a powerful coda by Hollywood actor Patti Tippo (“Don’t Look Up”).


Georgia WIN List endorses the Fab Four!

Georgia’s influential WIN List has endorsed the entire slate of women candidates from Georgia’s Ninth District.


Like Rosie the Riveter during World War II, women are rolling up their sleeves to save our democracy, protect freedom, and restore reproductive rights.”

— June Krise, Candidate for GA Senate

Read the Article>>

VIDEO: A Firecracker of a 4th of July Speech

Banks County Democrats hosted a 4th of July picnic celebration with a keynote speech by candidate June Krise. Watch the video.

VIDEO: June Krise fires up the crowd at the Blue BBQ

The 6th Annual Blue BBQ for the Rabun County Democrats launched with a standing-ovation speech by June Krise, candidate for Georgia Senate District 50.

VIDEO: Hollywood’s Patti Tippo Narrates Animated Video for the Fab Four

“Proud to have been part of it!” Patti told the Fab Four.

Known for Don’t Look Up, Ed Wood, Ace Ventura, Grey’s Anatomy, and ER, Patti Tippo contributed her talents to help fund the Fab Four billboard campaign. Screenwriter Bruce Miller of Miller Media and Todd Machen, creator of the comic strip “Sidelined” – honored by Amazon as a Next Great Cartoonist provided the creative and animation.

Watch the video>>

VIDEO: Kim Floria gives a passionate defense of women’s rights.

Kim was the keynote speaker at the Democratic Women’s Network event.

“My grandmother, your grandmother, your aunts, they all went into back alleys, they went into sleazy clinics, and some of them didn’t make it out. We cannot stand for that anymore!”

Watch the full speech>>

VIDEO: The FAB FOUR were on FIRE to Protect Women’s Rights!

The Fab Four was recently celebrated on April 27 in Midtown Atlanta.

June Krise, RN, brought the crowd to its feet with a “fire-and-brimstone” call to action: “The storm is coming! Roe v. Wade has vanished, but the women across Georgia are showing up, standing up, and speaking up to protect their healthcare, freedoms, and reproductive rights!”

Watch the full speech>>

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